Wednesday, March 13, 2013

The Sweet Embrace of Near Death

If we’re all being honest with ourselves, the opportunities that the world has to kill us during the course of a normal day are staggeringly high. Mortality is frightening though, and we try to push those thoughts out of our minds so that we aren’t absolutely crippled with fear. Most people have a limit at which the potential risk of snuggling with the earthworms outweighs the potential enjoyment of a given activity. With apologies to you all for that somber interlude, and even more apologies to my parents who might have to go to Rent-A-Son for graduation this December (Kidding! I hope!), we’re going to take a quiz on the danger level of this past weekend’s activities. Initial betting is strongly encouraged; the status of my life insurance policy is currently “Don’t Die” and someone might as well make some money off of me if I do kick the bucket. Of the following four options, please choose what you consider to be the most dangerous. Remember, there are no wrong answers:

1.     Horse race on an unpaved road
2.     Local soccer game
3.     Talking to strangers
4.     Riding in the back of a pickup truck

If you chose “Talking to strangers,” you clearly misunderstand how study abroad works, and, for all intents and purposes, have chosen the wrong answer. You will be taking Communication 100: Remedial Communication Studies, Emphasis on Throat Noises and Mouth Movements. Everyone else may continue reading to learn which of the remaining three choices is the most dangerous. The answer may surprise you. But it probably won’t.

3. Coming in at third place on the mortality scale is “Riding in the back of a pickup truck.” While this is very much illegal and very much something I sort of think about not doing once in a while, the convenience factor is too large to ignore. Sometimes our driver is even responsible. Ok, not really, since we managed to fit 17 people into the truck that one time and drove for 30 minutes. Ha, I’m just kidding! It was 18 people and the ride was significantly longer. I’m such a scamp! But we’re all still alive, so no one back home should get mad at me or consider taking me out of their will for violating that “grossly negligent” clause we discussed before I left. Not yet at least. There’s more to read.

2. In second place is “Horse race on an unpaved road,” and it was jockeying hard for first. I’m sure that pun made some of you wish the race had offed me, but the horse was strong with me that day. And yes, I have been waiting weeks to bust that one out, thank you for asking. Anyway, there’s not really much to say about this one. Two of us may have raced horses. The horses may have run into each other one time. The other racer may have almost got thrown once or twice. Someone’s horse may have relieved itself at a particularly inappropriate post-race juncture. Just a standard Sunday afternoon in Argentina as far as I can tell.

1. The dark horse candidate (still got it.) for this competition was the soccer game, because Americans tend to associate sporting events with belligerently drunk, rowdy fans. American games miss the crucial part of many worldwide soccer games, which is militant violence. To set the stage, I went to a soccer game with three Cordobeses (people who know what they’re doing). This was not a Superclasico (think USC vs. Clemson), nor was it a Clasico (think Clemson vs. FSU). It was just a standard league game, something along the lines of a Clemson vs. Wake Forest, and the stands were only half full. Knowing all that, I thought it would be a mild affair, even if we were sitting with the hinchas (hooligans) and it was standing room only. I thought like an idiot; I should have brought my riot gear and extra-absorbent nappies.  Our tickets, courtesy of my brave, miraculously-still-alive friend Emi, were bought from the mafia, which, I cannot stress enough, was an actual mafia that actually kills people. During the first half, a couple flares were lit. No big deal, I’ve seen that happen on TV. Then someone threw a few noise grenades. Then someone threw a few more noise grenades 10 feet from us. I think I was disoriented by halftime because everyone else seemed very much unconcerned, while I had a sinking feeling in my diaper. By the end of the game, I had survived 4 close encounters with the grenades, and my head was bleeding from an encounter with an exuberant hincha when we scored a goal. You’d better believe I’m going back.

1.     Horses are fun, but I still think they’re some of the dumbest, most terrifying creatures alive. Whoever decided that breeding a breakneck tank around that much stupidity was a good idea must have been part horse himself.
2.     The more I examine that activities I do, the more I think I’m turning into a redneck. I’m only a Bud Light and a Confederate Flag tattoo away from a full conversion.
3.     I swear everything is probably safer than I make it out to be.
4.     The soccer game was amazing. I’m terrified to think about what would happen if I went to a game that was sold out.
5.     There is no 5. I’m just happy to be alive.

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